
Egg donation: Your Journey to Parenthood

Egg donation is a reproductive alternative for people with infertility problems and also for intended parents pursuing a surrogacy journey to achieve their goal of having a baby.

When starting the egg donation, you can have many concerns about the process and the risks associated with this reproductive technology. Let’s take a look at the main five phases of this process.

Phase 1: Donor ovarian stimulation

Ultrasound examinations are performed during this phase

Phase 2: Donor follicular puncture and aspiration

Having obtained enough oocytes of a suitable size for maturing, ovulation is triggered, and intravaginal aspiration is done to retrieve the eggs

Phase 3: Embryo fertilization

In in-vitro fertilization treatment (IVF), once the eggs are retrieved, they will be fertilized

Phase 4: Preparing the recipient endometrium

Preparing the endometrium is a crucial phase in order to ensure a positive transfer and pregnancy

Phase 5: Embryo transfer

It’s a quick, painless process whereby the embryo is transferred into the recipient uterus.

Types of Egg Donors

Finally, when doing an egg donation process, you must know about the two main types of egg donation, anonymous and known egg donation. The main difference between both egg donor types is if the donor and recipient personal data are disclosed or not. Both options can have implications for your baby and you, so think in advance about the pros and cons

Known and Unknown donors need to pass a meticulous medical screening and meet specific qualifications before being able to donate her eggs.

Final Thoughts


Get in contact with your IVF specialist to learn more about the process and decide if this reproductive option is a good option for you.